Friday, April 30, 2010

My Story

I like to talk.

Correction: I love to talk.

Full disclosure: I love to talk to people.

Ermmm, actually, I love talking to people as much as I love travelling.

A lot! And that refers to both 'talking' and 'travelling'.

I thoroughly enjoy travelling, engaging people of different cultures and backgrounds, getting to know them and learning from them. In fact, I am so drawn to people that I can confidently say that when I no longer roam this earth, I will undoubtedly be remembered as a People's Person. For I think human beings are interesting. Especially when it comes to unraveling their own narratives.

I concluded long ago that each one of us is nothing more and nothing less than a story: We are either 'the story we tell ourselves about ourselves' or 'the story we were told about ourselves'. To state it more clearly: we are the sum of what we choose to believe about ourselves. As human beings, we are constantly thrown a set of assumptions about who we are and who we can allow ourselves to be, and as we go through life we transform those assumptions into beliefs.

And soon this set of beliefs becomes the premise upon which we navigate this life that we only get to live once.

So as I've gone through life travelling and meeting people from all walks of life, I've learned that the greatest gift you can truly give yourself is to carefully choose what you accept to believe about yourself. For in that alone will lie all your limitations and your possibilities.

I strongly believe this.

It therefore comes as no surprise to those that know me well that I live the type of life I live: A life that is based on the simple premise that I do not need anyone’s permission to live the life that is intended for me. Nor do I blindly accept the realities presented to me as numerous labels and expectations by the world I live in: My constraints are my own to impose or reject, my possibilities are boundless. I don’t just say this, I live it.

Every day.

And what I’ve learned from my travels and talking to people, and which has been so eloquently stated by Marianne Williamson, is that our deepest fear is indeed not that we are inadequate or insufficient. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. That it truly is our light, not our darkness that frightens us most. We ask ourselves: Who are we to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? The real question here is: Who are we not to be (brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous)?

Hence a blog that is simply about the way I see things or better said: the lessons I've learned as I travelled the globe and simply lived. A blog about Life. Through a set of different stories. All of which are true and told as accurately as possible.

So, how does one who likes to travel, talk to people and listen to their stories, go about telling her own story?

It's a simple one: 'My name is Suzee Dee. I believe that I am no different from you and that you are no different from me. I am simply no more, and no less than you. You are simply no more or less than me. And if we disagree on this, just know that your view is independent, not official.'

Suzee Dee